Monday, August 8, 2011

Emily Tin Man Triathlon 6/26/2011

My little girl decided she wanted to do a triathlon so we found one just right for her.  It was a quarter mile run, a mile bike and a 50 yard swim.  She did it like a pro.  I was shocked.  All the kids were jumbled up at the start and they took off way too fast.  So did she.  But she hung in and then got on the bike, so serious.  It was not a very organized tri so kids and parents were everywhere.  When she got off the bike she was running to the pool putting her cap and goggles on at the same time.  She did so well in the pool.  When I went to meet her at the finish, she was overjoyed and saying she wanted to do this again.  My girl!

Here she is before the race.

Finishing the bike ride.

Coming out of the pool area.

All done!  She was so excited getting a medal.

1 comment:

Erika Noelle said...

Great job Emily. Love you all.

Erika Minich